Ya know what is sad? It’s sad that almost 8 weeks into the New Year and no blog posts.
So welcome 2020. A new decade and a new year. Time has flown.
The Brown household is chaotic as usual. I’m experimenting with dura-lar film as a printing paper. So far zero prints but wet media dura-lar film makes the coolest surface to paint on.
I’m hunting a transparent ink that will float and create suminagashi prints on wet media duralar. I live in hope. So far zero prints with regular Japanese Marbling inks on wet media duralar.
Matt is drawing again. His drawing skills are improving.
We are applying to do the Kansas City market at River Market during the Spring. If we get accepted our goal is to be there once a month at first then a couple of weekends or more till Christmas. Further details will be in future blog posts
Until next time